Our HD Update

When I last posted about Charlie's HD we weren't having a very good time with it all!

Charlie's bowels had been impacted by constant bouts of the cold, coughs and a happy wheeze! Yet our wee fighter battled through it all and finally started to recover. The first signs of him being on the mend where the farts. Charlie started to pass wind again no problem which meant his tummy didn't puff up as often or as much and is a sign that his bowels are slowly beginning to work again.

Charlie then started having dirty nappies albeit slowly and with no pattern to it so we still had to monitor him constantly. I just felted so relieved that he was at least pooing again!  When Charlie had periods of 48hours with no nappy or was puffing up we would still help with a washouts or suppository as needed.

Over time things started to get back to normal with more nappies than washouts or suppositorys. Charlie was in great form, eating better than he ever had and was settling so well into nursery.

Then just as we started getting used to a normal routine with Charlie, he got sick again. Over the last week Charlie has caught another wee bug, this time bringing vomit and lots of loose nappies! Thankfully he hasn't had a temperature and although his appetite isn't as good as it has been he is still eating little amounts and still feeding from me fine.

There are no symptoms or signs that it's impacting on his bowels at the minute with all the loose nappies we've been having but things can change so suddenly with babies and HD so we're still being vigilant with him!

Being a parent is definitely one of the toughest jobs I've ever had, the highs, the lows, and the constant mix of love, worry, hope and happiness on a daily basis is sometimes overwhelming.

HD is overwhelming but my little HD Hero doesn't seem to be letting HD hold him back! He's fighting this bug, still passing wind most days, having nappies most days and just getting on with life.

He's also started to get the hang of walking so we don't have much time to dwell on the lows of HD as Charlie is definitely keeping us on our toes! 

