Back to Porridge, Literally!

I think the saying is something like all good things must come to an end!! Why that's a saying I don't know as surely not all good things must end, but one things for sure, my maternity leave has ended and I'm back to work.

I was nervous but excited to get back to work after so long off but to be honest I was ready to go back! Having a baby is great and I've loved every second but a lot of the time as a mummy your put to the bottom of the list! Being back to work has meant I can take the time in the mornings to do my makeup and wear clothes that don't have to be breastfeeding friendly!

I obviously miss Charlie like mad and I have an underlying feeling of anxiety when he goes to nursery. The nursery itself is lovely and gets such a good reputation but it's the lack of control over Charlie's diet, the results of his nappies that worries me and him catching any sick bugs going around.

Charlie has been mainly vegetarian since he went onto solids as meat slows the bowels down. He normally eats anything else I give him fine but he's been refusing the food at nursery and so that he's not starving I've been sending in my food! Now if you've seen my Charlie bear lately he's a solid baby so isn't going to waste away but it still makes me uneasy as to why he's refusing their food!

In terms of the nappies I'm used to being in control and noting down the number of nappies and any concerns so that if he has a day with no dirty nappy that we can keep a closer eye on him. Charlie is only allowed to go 48 hours without a bowel movement as poo sitting in the bowel increases his risk of getting enterocolitis.
I'm also just a worrier about Charlie catching sick bugs! It is inevitable and to a certain degree he needs to get sick to build up his immune system but I'm not looking forward to it!

Overall I know he will be fine at nursery and it's great for him to interact with other babies and adults. I think it's just going to take us awhile to get used to it! The only good thing is that I can also relax a bit more two days during the week when my mum and dad take Charlie as he loves spending time with them!

In terms of feeding, I am still breastfeeding Charlie. He gets a morning feed and then feeds through the night. I think it also helped that Charlie had already dropped most of his day feeds in my last couple of weeks off. Thankfully I haven't had any issues being back to work and still feeding and I haven't need to express either for comfort or supply.

Have I settled back into work?! I think I have, things are coming back to me slowly and my first couple of weeks have been fine, minus the tummy bug I ended up getting and being off sick two days back to work!! Thankfully Charlie didn't catch it as if he had his bowels would have been thrown off and no doubt we would have ended up in the Royal again! 

Charlie has been a little star, as always! He cried a few days and still has better days than others, but when we read his nursery book about his day, the majority of comments are now about how much fun he had and how good he has been!

We're on our third week now of our new routine and even though we're being organised the night before with outfits, bags packed and lunches made, the mornings are still chaotic! Oh the joys of now being a working mum juggling work life balance!! 
